
School Rules and Behaviour Policy

  1. Mobile phones are strictly forbidden in school.
  2. Laptops must be brought to school and used in lessons if required.
  3. No swearing.
  4. Dress code – appropriate clothing to be worn, no midriffs showing, shorts must be long enough and suitable to cover hips and thighs.
  5. Adults are not allowed into the school premises without prior agreement.
  6. No shouting.
  7. No physical contact (except for the usual social greetings).
  8. Encourage the use of language that helps and supports others – no disempowering statements.
  9. No eating in class.
  10. No chewing gum.
  11. Always bring with you the correct equipment to study.
  12. Treat each other with respect and civility.
  13. Be polite in all circumstances.
  14. No objects of value or dangerous objects can be brought into school; only equipment that supports education.
  15. The school requires 100% attention in class and commitment to their work and studies.
  16. All learning and exam entrances are directed by teachers and subject specialists. Homework must be completed within the timeframe set by the teacher.
  17. No behaviour is allowed that undermines the ethics and ethos of the school or student community.
  18. Being registered in the school means that you accept the rules and behaviour policy of the education establishment. This policy works in line with our Anti Bullying Policy, Attendance Policy.

Sanctions - verbal warning, written warning with parent meeting, fixed term exclusion, permanent exclusion.

Please write the following phrase 'Lu et approuvé, bon pour accord'

Signature Elève:


Signature Parent


Signature Directeur/Directrice:



47410 St Colomb de Lauzun
05 53 40 60 54

The Old School : College - Lycée
Etablissement d’enseignement secondaire privé hors contrat RNE 0471040A

website by: Abbey Hill Studios