
Energy Drinks Policy

As a school community the consumption of high caffeine energy drinks, is having a detrimental effect on learning. It is clear that excessive amounts of caffeine ( and sugar in high sugar drinks) means some students are losing concentration in the short term and, by the end of the day, are feeling flat and less responsive. As a school that places a premium on teaching and learning, behaviour and well-being and as a school that promotes healthy eating, we have found that the consumption of energy drinks is not beneficial to good learning.

As a school we aim to promote healthy lifestyles and a positive learning environment by encouraging positive behaviour. It is felt, by the school community, that the consumption of high caffeine energy drinks, at times, prevents this from happening.

Students will not be permitted to bring energy drinks into school. Should parents/carers wish to provide students with drinks to be consumed during the school day, then water in clear bottles or clearly marked individual portions of fruit juice is acceptable. Parents/carers and pupils need to consider the impact of high sugar drinks on health and wellbeing.

Only water in clear bottles may be consumed in lessons and during examinations, no other drinks will be permitted in school, except for medical reasons, to be negotiated with the Director/Directrice.

All students have access to water throughout the day. All students are encouraged to bring in clear, re-usable water bottle that can be refilled at break and lunchtime using the cooled water fountains.

The policy will take immediate effect and will be followed by a series of disussions on Health and Wellbeing. The message will confirm that high caffeine energy drinks (including those with zero sugar content) will not be allowed in school. These are drinks that are labelled “not recommended for children/ or those aged 16 or under and that contain high levels of caffeine”.

If pupils or students are seen drinking a high caffeine energy drink labelled as “not suitable for children/those under 16” then it will be confiscated and disposed of by staff.

Monitoring and Review of this policy
This policy will be reviewed every two years though changes may be implemented should Government policies or guidelines change.

Joel Bailey

Daniele Birchall


47410 St Colomb de Lauzun
05 53 40 60 54

The Old School : College - Lycée
Etablissement d’enseignement secondaire privé hors contrat RNE 0471040A

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